
Career Fair at KSMS exclusively for the students of classes XI and XII

Social Samvad / Desk : A one-day Career Fair was successfully organized on 22nd November 2024 by Career Guidance Club of  KSMS in partnership with SKYHIGH Educational Services at KSMS Auditorium, exclusively for the students of classes 11 and 12. The event aimed at providing a  platform to the students for  exploring diverse educational opportunities and interact with representatives from prestigious universities.

See Also: आगामी 8 दिसंबर को होगा पूर्वी सिंहभूम जिला अग्रवाल सम्मेलन का चुनाव , पंजीकृत ट्रस्ट के महासचिव गोल्डी अग्रवाल ने की चुनाव की अधिसूचना जारी

Reputed institutions such as Amity University, Lovely Professional University (LPU), Chitkara University, Chennai Institute of Technology, ICFAI University, DIT University, and Adamas University took the students through their academic programs, infrastructure, and career prospects.

Students gained valuable insights into various undergraduate courses, scholarships, career paths, and global opportunities through engaging presentations and one-on-one counseling sessions. The fair was an enriching experience, empowering students to make informed decisions about their higher education and career goals.

Tamishree Mukherjee
Published by
Tamishree Mukherjee

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